Technologies we can help you with

ziSprink has advanced Technology Focus Groups spanning across technologies, frameworks and platforms, which are continually nurtured to achieve state-of-the-art aimed at technological excellence thereby rendering our clients a competitive edge to stand out in the marketplace.
The following are our Technology Focus Groups and an indicative description of our capabilities in each Technology Focus Group.

Areas What areas we can help you with!
  • Languages: C#, VB.NET
  • GUI: ASP.NET, Win Forms, WPF, Silverlight, Ajax, MVC4.0/4.5, BootStrap, JQueryUI, Knockout, JQueryMobileUI, Angular, require, lodash, Underscore
  • CMS: Microsoft Office Sharepoint Services, SharePoint Online
  • Reporting: SQL Server Reporting Services, Power BI
  • Rich UI: Telerik, Infragistics, DevExpress
  • Testing: NUnit, Visual Studio Load Test
  • Middleware: NET Framework (including WF & CardSpace), COM+ & Windows Services, Commerce Server, Microsoft BizTalk Server
  • Framework: Microsoft Software Factories & Application Blocks, DotNetNuke
  • Communication: Web Services, SOAP, XML, WCF
  • Configuration Management: Visual SourceSafe, Cruise Control, Team Foundation Server, Jenkins, TeamCity
  • Database: MS SQL Server (including SSRS, SSIS & SSAS and Service Broker), MS Access
  • TDD (Test Driven Development): MsTest, Nunit, JustMock, Moq, Rhini Mocks
  • Code Coverage & Reviews: NCover, FxCop, DotCover
  • Cloud Integration: Windows Azure, Office 365
  • Languages: JAVA, J2EE
  • Application Programming Interfaces: Java Fx, Swing, JNDI, XML, Web Services, Log4J, Quartz Scheduler, Java Mail API, P6Spy, Apache POI, OpenCSV, iText, JCapcha, JAnalytics, Common IO's, Google-Map, OFC GWT, Gwt-Chart, Hibernate4GWT(Gilead)
  • Frameworks: J2EE, Struts, Hibernate, Spring, JSF, AspectJ, Lucene, Velocity, Tapestry, GWT, GWT-P, Smart GWT, JQuery
  • ORM Tools: Hibernate, JPA
  • IDE: WSAD, Eclipse, JBuilder, NetBeans, InteliJ, MyEclipse, JBoss Developer Studio, Rational Web Developers, Dreamweaver
  • Application Servers: Web logic, Web Sphere, JBoss, Oracle Application Server, Apache
  • Testing: Junit, DBUnit, JProbe Suite, Fitnesse, Jukito, Mockito
  • Messaging Servers: ActiveMQ, JMS
  • Caching: memcached, OSCache
  • Configuration Management: Ant, Maven, Cruise Control, CVS, SVN
  • Reports: Jasper Reports, BIRT
  • CI (Continuous Integration): Jenkins, Hudson, Cruise Control
  • Rule Engine: Open Rules, Drools
Mobile Technologies
  • Cross Platform Application Development Telerik Platform, Ionic, Sencha, PhoneGap, MonoTouch, AppAccelerator
  • iPhone/ iPad (iOS 3.x, 4.x, 5.x, 6.x)
  • Android (4.0-4.0.2, 4.0.3-4.0.4, 4.1, 4.2)
  • Windows Phone 7, 8, 8.1, 9, 10
  • HTML5 based apps
Testing Technologies
  • Test Management: Quality Centre, SpiraTest, Testlink
  • Defect Tracking: Bugzilla, JIRA, Mantis, Redmine, Trac
  • Test Automation: Visual Studio, QTP, TestComplete, Selenium WebDriver, Watir, Fitnesse, SoapUI
  • Performance Testing: Visual Studio, LoadRunner, NeoLoad, WebLoad, Jmeter
  • Mobile Testing: Perfecto, Device Anywhere
  • Scanners: IMB Appscan, HP Fortify, Nessus, nexpose
  • Security Frameworks: metasploit, BeEF (The Browser Exploitation Framework), SeT (Social-Engineer Toolkit)
  • Operating Systems: Backtrack, Kali Linux